QLD - Student Employment Survey
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Advanced Diploma of Business
Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Certificate III in Business
Certificate III in Business Administration (Legal)
Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical)
Certificate III in Individual Support
Certificate III in Information Technology
Certificate IV in Business
Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
Certificate IV in Information Technology
Diploma of Business
Diploma of Community Services
Diploma of Information Techonlogy
Diploma of Leadership and Management
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
Graduate Diploma of TESOL
When accessing a Queensland Government subsidised training place, it is a requirement that a student employment survey must be submitted within three months of completing or discontinuing your training
Q1. Which best describes your motivation for undertaking your training
To help me find a job
To support my current career and improve my chances for promotion
To help me change careers
General interest
Q2. Which best describes your assessment of the quality of your training
Very satisfied with the overall quality of the training
Somewhat satisfied with the overall quality of the training
Somewhat dissatisfied with the overall quality of the training
Very dissatisfied with the overall quality of the training
Q3. Did you complete your training
No - Change in interests / personal circumstances
No - Unable to meet requirements of qualification /course
No - Found the training experience to be unsuitable
No - Other
Q4. Which best describes the impact of your training on your current employment or further study status
Not employed before training, employed after training
Not employed before training, not employed after training
Underemployed, employed before training, improved job outcome after training
Underemployed, employed before training, no improvement in job outcome after training
Enrolled in or currently undertaking study with a university
Employed in an apprenticeship / traineeship